Archive for December, 2014

Dali & Picasso exhibition

Dali & Picasso, so different and so similar. The exhibition at St. Pete Dali museum is one of those that makes you think about artists and their art for long time after you leaving the show. Both eccentric, innovative, workaholics, brave, and both with Russian wives :), think about it….
If you have a chance to go there – go, it will ends at Feb. 22. It worth to be visited not even once. We are going this weekend again.

Basel 2014

About the Basel 2014 again. Along With new artworks it was presented quite a number of Shagal, Picasso, Miro, some of Matisse. Shagal’s works are unbelievably full of love and life, with mystery that force me to look at his paintings forever, so simple and so powerful




December 2014, Art Basel Miami Beach

December 2014, Art Basel Miami Beach – we finally here for a first time! Warm and sunny winter day (I love winter in Florida), people are heading to the exhibition. Basel, Miami at 2002, and Hong Kong since 2013 – I was excited to see new artists works. We saw a lot of fresh ideas, although, we came at Saturday and a lot of works have been sold at the preview earlier that week. My husband and I spent whole day there fueled with new experience.






Peter Saul “Dessert Plate” Acrylic/Canvas 60″x72″
